red room installation
170x150 cm Oil on canvas each + projection
Lovebirds - Unzertrennliche
A Kissing Cousins story:
"Löwenmilch im Mutterleib" - "Lion milk in the womb"
220x290 cm Oil on canvas
Painted and animated in VR
"Zwei Wilde auf dem hohen Ross" - "Two wild ones on a high horse"
220x290 cm Oil on canvas
Painted and animated in VR
"Gut getarnt, lauert der Fisch auf fette Beute" - "Well disguised, the fish lies in wait for fat prey"
220x290 cm Oil on canvas
Painted and animated in VR
Watercolor on paper room
Hubba Bubba
150x130 cm Oil on canvas
150x130 cm Oil on canvas
Hilferuf #1
150x130 cm Oil on canvas